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Description :Maximinus II. AD 310-313. AV Aureus (18mm, 5.30 g, 12h). Antioch mint. Struck AD 311. MAXIMI NVS P F AVG, laureate head right / SOLE IN VICTO, Sol standing left, raised hand and holding Victory; (crescent)SMAT(star). RIC VI 160; Depeyrot 29/3; Calicó 5032. EF, a few marks. Maximinus II. (Jovius), emperor, A.D. 305. Galerius Valerius Maximinus, originally called Daza, played a somewhat prominent part in the complications following on the abdication of DIOCLETIAN and MAXIMIANUS I. Those emperors were succeeded as Augusti by GALERIUS and CONSTANTIUS, who appointed as Caesars Daza, under the name of Maximinus, and Severus. On the death of Constantius (A.D. 306) Galerius assigned the provinces beyond the Alps to Constantine, but conferred the vacant title of Augustus on Severus, leaving that of Caesar to Constantine and Maximin. Severus was put to death A.D. 307, and Galerius made Constantine and Licinius Augusti, assigning Illyricum to the latter. Maximin, who was